Tuesday, August 12, 2008


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Anonymous said...

Dragon come FLY to me :P
Nice capture of it Ettey!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Nice capture! :D

Anonymous said...

Awesome shots,Ettey!

Pretty Life Online said...

nice catch for ww!!!! Happy WW!I hope you can drop by again at my corner too and please help for me, I was nominated for Pinoyworld blog of the week. Hope you can vote my "Pretty Life Online" at http://www.pinoyworld.org/... thanks a lot!

Ryanne said...

Beautiful dragonfly! How did you get that shot? it is great! Thanks for sharing it with all of us.

jams o donnell said...

What a superb shot. Magnificent.

Mojo said...

That guy looks like he's all business. Mosquitos beware! Great shot of a tough subject.
Thanks for stopping by!

SandyCarlson said...

That is marvelous! The color amazes me. Well done, friend.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! What an amazing looking close-up! Excellent photography in my opinion :)

Happy WW :)

My WW entries for today are at:

Pastyme With Good Companye

The Paranormal Blog

Nuttin' But

Faye said...

great capture Ettey! :)

jennyr said...

nice! my daughter would've definitely catch that one b4 I could snap a photo,lol! mine's up too at this link.Hope u can stop by!

Brillig said...

Wow. Very cool! And the colors are fantastic.

Carver said...

That is a fantastic shot. I've been trying to photograph the dragonfly that hangs out in my garden but I haven't gotten anything close to as good as that one. Great job.

eastcoastlife said...

Cool! Nice shot of the dragonfly! My cousins used to tied a string on its tail and watch it fly.

Lori said...

Great shot!!Even though it freaked me out a bit. Happy WW.

Jim said...

Hi Yen, I like your dragonfly. It has very pretty colors, you got them well.
Happy WW/WT, thank you for peeking in on my Colorado small town scene as well.

Unknown said...

I love dragonflies, butterflies...

This is a great capture! And you have good eyes for a good shot. Wish I could do that. Thanks for sharing.

Happy WW!

Pretty Life Online said...

Cool one! My WS too is up hope you can drop by and I am asking for your help.... I was nominated for pinoyworld blog for the week, voting poll located at my side bar... Hope you can vote for me... Thanks a lot! Happy WW!


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I'm single and I love it! :D

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    From Chuck ^_^

    From Chuck ^_^

    ~ litratong pinoy ~

    ~photo hunters~

    ~photo hunters~

    ~ weekend snapshot ~

    ~wordless wednesday~

    ~wordless wednesday~

    header credit

    alphas from shabbyprincess's promise collection.